Monday, April 2, 2007

2 BOYS, RENOS, & SELLING THE FARM a couple of weeks. I should technically be doing one of those jobs as I write, but it's not often a Mom gets an hour to herself during the day:-) What I need right now is one of those de-Clutter shows to come into my house and do a miracle in a week, but I guess it'll have to be me. Finding homes for stuff is actually really challenging, I'm feeling a purge coming on. As some of my friends know, I've been purging for almost a year! Where did all this stuff come from anyways??? Well, my hour is up, I hear the baby awake and we have 1/2 to pick the toddler up from preschool. Sigh. It's a beautiful sunny day and there is a lot to be thankful for. Maybe it'll happen, maybe not!

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