Monday, April 2, 2007

FIRE SAFETY (Written by Michelle)

...check the batteries in your smoke detectors 2-4 times a year. Most people do it when we "Spring Ahead" in the Spring and "Fall Back" in the Fall. Firehalls, however, do recommend 2 additional checks during the year as it is difficult to predict the energy left in a battery. Our family knew about the 2 times a year and always check, but we are now putting 2 addition check times on our calendar!
And everyone should know by now that you're supposed to have a smoke detector on each floor of your house in order for the smoke detector closest to the fire to detect the smoke first. This way your entire house isn't engulfed in flames when the one and only smoke detector furthest from the fire finally gets a whiff of smoke!
So that's all good, because we all know that smoke detectors with dead batteries are the same thing as no smoke detector at all and every year we hear about tragedies in our own communities and around the world from cases where there is no smoke detector or one with dead batteries.
What our family didn't know is that you are supposed to change THE ENTIRE SMOKE DETECTOR EVERY 10 YEARS. Apparently, that is the "shelf-life" on these things and after 10 years the entire smoke detector is no longer 100% reliable. When we moved into our house 7 years ago we changed 2 of the detectors because we didn't like how the old ones looked - we had no idea that we should have changed all 3 of the detectors to ensure the SAFETY of my husband, me and our 2 cats!
Needless to say we have bought a third one to exchange for the final oldy. We have marked the year we replaced them and the year when they will need to be replaced again on the inside of the battery cover so that it can be checked every time we check and change the batteries.
Canadian Tire carries a very kid-friendly smoke detector that features "Sparky the fire dog". It features a 6 hour night-time glow and comes complete with the battery, 5-year warrenty and safety tips for the kids. It is recommended to be PLACED IN YOUR CHILD'S BEDROOM. Sometimes they do not have them stocked on the shelf, but the Fireman who told me about them said to just ask if they have any in the back.
We found all this great information out at a Firehall open house in our community. My little guy is firetruck obsessed so we thought we would go for a photo-op. We were thrilled to come away with such great, potentially life-saving information as well!

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