Monday, April 2, 2007


shit, I’m going to take her to drop-in gymnastics. We get there and I notice, after I paid, that there are 5 classes going on as well which is ridiculous. So I let Claire go out on the floor and an instructor comes sprinting over, like we have done something bad, I say to him I’m right here because they get upset if you’re not. He goes oh no you have to wait until 9:30am. I look down at my watch which reads 9:29am and look back at him. He goes you know what go ahead we just have to follow the main clock. Then he comes back to me 5 mins later to explain how the class works (I’ve been there about 5 times before). As he is talking Claire peels off and cuts in front of these kids to jump on the little trampoline. Well the mom with the kids gave me the dirtiest look, like Claire had committed the most horrible act in the world. I, the tired miserable mom in me, almost lost it but didn’t and said nothing. So by this point I’m not the happiest camper on the block. Then we go to do an activity with the whole class. All the kids are sitting nicely and listening and Claire is getting up every minute and changing who she is sitting by, stepping on kids’ hands and feet etc. So then I decide it is time for a break, I need to use the washroom. So I take my toddler and my 71/2 month pregnant body into the tiniest stall. After we are finished Claire decides that she wants to get the soap all on her own which she can’t reach and climbs on the counter to get it. At this point I’ve decided that it is time for me to go home. So we leave the washroom and I walk past all the parents who are sitting watching their children and this lady comes sprinting up to me, I’m thinking not again, now what!!! She goes to me; you have a toilet paper trail coming out of your pants!!!! And I’m not talking a little bit; I’m talking the longest piece of toilet paper possible. I say thank you to her kindly, grab my toilet paper and keep walking.

Ah, good times!

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